I filled out the Interactive Screening Tool and my child is receiving services elsewhere? What do you suggest?
ABC Pediatric Therapy Network is always about progress! If you are receiving services somewhere other than ABC Pediatric Therapy Network and your child is achieving success, DO NOT change a thing. That is what ABC is all about …. SUCCESS! We want your child to be consistently showing progress. We, like you, want your child to reach their maximum potential.
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Testimonial Tuesday! Tell us something great about your child’s therapist!
If your child is not achieving success….at school, home therapy, outpatient therapy…. ask more questions. Ask what the goals are and why your child is not achieving them. Maybe modify the goals or the strategies to achieve them. Is your team on board to create change that is responsive to your child’s needs?! Let’s hope so!
Perhaps now is time for a change.
If you are receiving therapy at school, call an IEP meeting to discuss strategies. You might be able to increase the minutes your child is seen. Maybe you just need to modify the approach to the goal. You could change the location where the goal is being worked on – if in the classroom, try a private room. Maybe your child is being seen in a group and one on one would be better. Perhaps the stairs in the school are not motivating but the stairs to the playground are.
Add additional outpatient therapy to increase the intensity to reach goals. Having another perspective from another therapist can be beneficial. Private therapy is usually individual and this increased intensity might be just what your child needs.
Is summer approaching? What is your plan to push potential during the summer?
Are you at an outpatient facility and your child needs a change? Each outpatient therapy office has a different approach to treatment. Take a tour at another facility to see what best meets your child’s needs.
Therapy…success…change…progress – is all about communication. Your therapy team needs to listen to your and your child’s wants/ needs and modify the plan of care constantly to be responsive to you and your child. If you have found that…great! Celebrate the small victories and push for the big wins! If you have not found that, do not stop advocating for your child. You are often their voice as well as their cheerleader!
*Find the therapy approach – outpatient, school, one on one or group – that succeeds in ensuring your child progresses.
*Increase communication – update or change goals to accomplish more developmental milestones.
*Increase frequency – attend therapy more often or add outpatient to school therapy.
Whatever you do, do not stop trying something new or something different than what you are doing now until you see the progress you want for your child.
You know your child best. Achieving developmental milestones increases self esteem in your child. Feeling like you can do the same tasks as your friends creates a sense of acceptance and achievement.
Empower and educate yourself at www.abcpediatrictherapy.com. Reach out to ABC if we can help you in any way!